Tuesday, 1 November 2011

Stu vs The Synopsis

I'm never one to just jump right in or am I organised enough to actually plan to far ahead (strange as I'm a teacher but I digress)

So this morning I knocked up a quick synopsis for my NanoWrimo (I love saying that, it just roles off the tongue) novel. Yes it probably has more holes in it than Julius Caesar's corpse but it's a start and I'm sure it will change as I progress.

If anyone is interested here it is in all it's glory:


As a comet breaks up over the land of Etheracea, Traemidan, the last surviving Elf has a vision of a bleak future where mana once again fuels desires and strange creatures are laying waste to their lands.

He wakes to find his King has died and with Prince Garaan far off in the north he is unsure who to trust on the Council of Eldars. He dispatches his son's to take word to the Prince of his father's death and bring him home.

Upon his return and after the coronation Traemidan tells Garaanand the Council of what he witnessed in his dream. However they do not share his concerns and is removed from the council. The newly crowned Garaan Declares that under his rule the realm will be united once again and the garrisons of the north are to prepare for his arrival as he intends to lead a raiding party into the Tesseras Mountains and bring back the comet shard that fell there.

Not about to give up Traemidan sets out for Tarak Isle, where the king's brother, Wrain, commands the Eagle Riders, hoping for a better reception.

Traemidan's sons, Eliyan and Vrai, accompany the Garaan into the mountains where they come up against the Orgalath clans who have claimed the comet shard for themselves. Something in the rock has changed some of the creatures physiology and the Etherans' are crushed in the mountain passes. Garaan, Eliyan, Vrai and small group of soldiers are captured but not before word is sent to Tarak Isle where the Eagle Riders mount a rescue attempt.

The rescue is a success and the Etherans' make off with a part of the comet which is given to the Eldars for study. This research leads to the discovery of mana in the rock and begins to corrupt the Eldars who in turn begin to lead Garaan down a dark path that involves the capture of Traemadin and his sons. King Garaan then holds a series of tournaments in his own honor where Eliyan and Vrai witness the death of their father but are rescued along with the mysterious Flo'Rina by the Eagle Riders.

Now I have work this afternoon but I really want to have written my prologue by tomorrow. I'm feeling very ambivolent about this whole project right now.


  1. If Traymidden (my own amusing spelling) is the last elf, what are his sons?

    Sorry to be a nit-picker!

  2. Half-elf, got to love a bit of racial interbreeding, keeps things fresh. Oh and nit-pick away my friend
